Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm finally home!

Not much else to say. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm home and the blog will be no more. The trip was AMAZING I had soo much fun. I loved the whole experience. It's 2:30 a.m. los angeles time now and that means it's 11:30 a.m. madrid time. meaning I've been awake for a long time. The night before we left I slept about three hours which means that in the past 48+ hours I've had about 6 hours of sleep. I'm exhausted and I just wanted to get this last update out before I fell asleep. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Quick Update

I have 10 minutes to right this so it´s not going to be good. A couple of days ago we went to a salsa club to dance and party. (It was organized by the school so it wasn´t like a hardcore party) It was Nick´s last night so there was a general mood of being sad in the air for everyone but me. I wasn´t really sad that he was leaving because I see him all the time at home and we go a week without seeing each other all the time. Anyway..we were all dancing at the bar but because some of us (including myself) did not get dressed up to go out we got kicked out for looking to young. Legally you have to be 18 to go there and we got away with it for a little but then they were like,"Nope, You´re too young get out." So Pilar escorted us home and we didn´t do anything for the rest of the night. (P.S. Earlier that day we say Nick´s mommy and it made us really happy because it was like america visited us). Nothing has really changed since Nick left except for Nick not being around to talk to so instead I listen to music, it´s not that bad.
Today we went to a water resevoir and it was really fun. We sailed, kayaked and used those boats that you need to pedal to power. It was awesome. Our group consisted of me, the Micheals, and Jordan so it was really fun. We got back to the area where we live about 40 minutes ago and I need to be in two. I´m about five minutes away. Also I didn´t wear sunscreen so I think I´m going to be burnt. I´ll post more later. I´m happy I´ll be home soon.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

There's Something About Mary

I wish I had a video camera. Today we went to Sevilla which was RIDICULOUSLY HOT. Even hotter than Granada. The bad part about the trip to Sevilla is the 3 hour bus ride there. The bus is really cramped and the thermometer we had said it was 96 degrees INSIDE the bus. Needless to say everybody is uncomforatable and it is up to us to save the day and start conversations to make the bus ride more enjoyable. Cut to Mary. She has got to be one of the cutest girls I have ever seen. She is as tall as me and really fun. We were making fun of her on the bus (she was okay with it. don't worry) and we asked her, "Hey Mary! How do you spell your name in spanish?". Mary quickly responded, "You think I'm that stupid? M-I-R-I-A!". After a short pause the entire bus erupted with laughter. So we felt bad and wanted to give her another chance; we asked her, "How do you spell 'potato'?". To which she responded, "P-O-T-O-T-E". Again, everyone in the bus started cracking up. Because we felt bad so we asked her again. She got it wrong again. That was definitely the highlight of my day.
We got back to Granada at around 9 so we went home, ate, then went out again. We walked around a little trying to find a good place to go hang out and finally decided to get tapas at this place that was ridiculously busy but when we sat down and saw the menu we realized that it was obsurdly expensive and we only got a plate of olives and some sodas. (I got agua con gas) After our olives we walked our friends back to their house and then we came back home. I took a nice cold shower and got in my PJ's. I have one set of clean clothes left (for tomorrow) and I'm washing all of my other clothes tomorrow as well.
Sleeping sounds really good right now so I'll post some more info later.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I can't even tell the difference between English and Spanish. I don't know either anymore...

This picture has nothing to do with my blog entry but I laughed really hard when I saw it.
Today we didn't have to go to school because it is the weekend!! WOO! Instead we slept in really late and hung out with our friends all day. Event after event. We decided not to have dinner at home tonight and instead went to the HUGE shopping center with a grocery store as the bottom floor. While we were there we decided making quesadillas was the best possible plan. We all came back to our house and Miguelisimo and I made quesadillas. They were phenomenal.
After that we just sat around for a while and then went out again and just ran around Granada. We stopped somewhere to get churros and coca-cola. I was a rebel and got some bubbly water.
Speaking of bubbly water.... in Spain carbonated drinks are "with gas" so bubbly water is called "agua con gas" and when the Spanish say "con gas" they mean it. The water is SSSSOOOOO ridiculously carbonated that after each sip it feels like you need to burp.
Tomorrow we're going to Sevilla where it is going to be 105 degrees Fahrenheit. It should be hot. Anyhow, I'm about to fall asleep so I will try and post some stuff tomorrow.

P.S. I got a room upgrade. A FAN!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Nobody is cooler than Optimus Justin!

We obviously went to a toy store today..... AND IT WAS SWEET! The day started off with a very boring day of school and during break I was told we had no more classes for the day and instead we had to listen to spanish music. So after the break we didn't go to anymore classes and we listened to spanish music and tried to catch the lyrics. It was way harder than I thought it would be and I was the only one in our group that liked it. Anyhow after that we went home where we ate lunch and watched stuff on youtube.
After lunch we went over to our friends' house to meet them and walk over to the HUGE shopping center. The top floor of the shopping center was filled with toys!!!!! That's where we got the Optimus Prime helmet and gun. The helmet belongs to Nick (once he pays me back) and I got the water gun. It's totally rad. We left the mall and went to another store where I got Amanda a present and after that we just ran around being cool in our Transformers gear. We decided it was about time to head home when we ran into two of our other friends who were going to get tapas, so we tagged along, ate some food and they paid for us. Then we came home ate dinner and when I finish writing I'm going to shower then we're going out to a cafe with another group of friends. Overall today has been sweet and I'm pretty sure it will just continue being ridiculously fun. I'll post more later.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Perfect day

Today we hiked in the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains. The walk was beautiful but the best part by far is what we did when we got to our final destination. It was a beautiful creek and beaver-made dam. The damn made a nice little pool that we could swim in. Most of us got in. I tried to be the first one in but I couldn't take off my shoes fast enough so I was second. It was already hot as we were walking there and by the time we got there we were just burning so I figured getting in the water would be relaxing. What I didn't realize is that the water in this creek is freshly melted from the snow caps. In other words IT WAS COLD. Although it was cold the blazing heat of the sun made it all okay. The instructor said the water was clean and it tasted AMAZING so I drank a bunch. I now realize that this was a bad decision on my part. Overall it was incredibly fun. By the time we got home we were both so incredibly tired that we just sat around until dinner and after dinner we continued sitting.
Today for the first time the home-sickness hit me. I cannot wait to take a long shower, sleep in my bed, watch American T.V., see Transformers in English and last but not least eat some In 'N' Out. Dad this means that on our way home from LAX we get to stop at an In N Out. I need me a burger. Spanish Burger King doesn't cut it. Well I'm going to go to bed. I'll post more later.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Sorry it´s been so long.

Well I just haven´t had time to blog....until now. The past couple of days have been soo tiring. We went to the beach (which was awesome) and the next day we went to a water park and today we ate A LOT of paella. Sadly I really don´t have anything funny to say. Today we chose not to eat at our house so when our new friends come out of their houses we will go out but until then we are at an internet cafĂ©. We purchased some swords for battle the other day. (they´re not sharp, so we can use them) I freaking love them. Nick and I have memorized this city and we love it. It´s really pretty and everday we just find things that are prettier than what we saw the day before. It is really awesome. The weird thing about being around spanish all the time is now some of us are starting to think in spanish. Instead of thinking ¨I´m going to shower¨ we think ¨I shower me now.¨ It´s weird.
Well.... I have 2 minutes left at the internet cafe so I´m going to post this and I´ll think of some more things to write later. I hope everybody is having fun in America.
Speaking of America. Tomorrow is July 4 and Nick and I are going to be loud obnoxious Americans all day. Except for our time in the movie theater. TRANSFORMERS COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!! (here too. just in spanish.) WOOOOOO!!!!!!